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Sports Massage Therapy /Remedial Massage

Sports Massage, ultrasound therapy, METs, Stretching, Trigger points

1 h
50 British pounds

Service Description

Sports massage therapy utilises a variety of techniques to treat a wide range of musculo-skeletal problems. It can help prevent onset of injury, improve flexibility and wellbeing. It can be utilised by anybody so you don't need to be sporty to benefit from SMT. Remedial massage can stimulate the blood supply, make joints more mobile, and help to repair damaged tissues. The therapist will aim to balance the length, tone and tension of muscles and tendons, which restores the correct position of the bones, increases blood flow and helps heal injuries. It can be used for chronic and new conditions. Up to 15 minutes of the appointment will be used to get up to date medical / lifestyle / consultation information.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule please try and give your therapist at least 24 hours notice. A late cancellation may incur a charge (full payment). If you are a new patient to Crowthorne Body Health please complete the GDPR permission form through this link: If you cant find a suitable time, please call the therapist providing the service to see if there is any further appointments available that are not showing as available.

Contact Details

  • 229 High Street, Crowthorne, UK

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As registered practitioners, we have legal requirements placed upon us by our registering body and insurers.  This includes taking personal information from you and storing that information for at least 8 years. The information we hold is not shared without your permission. If you ask us to write a letter of referral, we will share your name, DOB, address and any relevant clinical information that is deemed necessary with the person or organisation that you are being referred to.
If you have come to see us because of an incident that has involved an insurance claim, we are  obliged to share any relevant information with the insurance company. As we will only instigate these referrals at your request, this will imply that we have your permission to share the relevant data with the person / company that you have asked us to contact. 
We will also confirm or remind you about an appointment or let you know about any clinic changes. You will need to complete and sign a form agreeing to this GDPR policy. Once signed, it will be kept with your patient record.

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